Diva Worship

Free Britney (w/ Seph Hamilton)

Allen Darby Season 1 Episode 6

Hit Me, Diva, One More Time! Here we go, queens, this week, Allen sits down with singer/songwriter/witch Seph Hamilton (@CutieGarland, they/them) to talk about our Child Like Empress: Britney Jean Spears! Seph remembers listening to her with their neighbor before school. Did you know Miss Britney Jean did three albums in three years?! We stan watching her break a sweat to a mid-tempo jam like "Sometimes." Then we briefly compare her to another diva, Sutton Foster (don't @ us!!!) Seph breaks down the iconic "Toxic" music video. She didn't break the mold, she created it. Also, that Diane Sawyer interview was bullying, and Diane knows it! Seph and Allen have both tragically missed seeing Britney live. But luckily she's not going anywhere. We can dive deep into the mythology of her instagram. I mean, come on. To love her is to defend her. Allen dissects the devastatingly beautiful crying-on-the-bathroom-floor scene of Crossroads (written by Shonda Rhimes, and don't you forget it). And Seph discusses their theory on the Pink Power Ranger. Finally, #FreeBritney, the woman cannot vote, and that's the tip of the iceberg. Worship with us!

Unknown Speaker :

diva as well. Hello, diva. It's so nice to have you back on the podcast.

Allen Darby :

Hi everybody. Welcome to diva worship a podcast where we dish debate dive deep and defend our divas I'm not religious, but I do worship divas. My name is Allen Darby. I'm a non binary actor, a dog lover a thottie which and I love divas. And I really just can't believe I just did a whole Dolly opener for this episode, which has nothing to do with any of the Divas that did Dolly whether that's Pearl Bailey, whether that's Bette Midler or Donna Murphy, or Hogan, why am I forgetting all of their names right now. Everyone's literally screaming at the at the their phones right now the main Dolly. all think of it hold hold for a moment, please. Carol Channing who was Carol Channing was thinking of goodness, and she's a San Francisco native just like me. Well, you know, that's what happens when you get older and you're 30 like me, you just start forgetting things. Before we get into our interview this week, which so so, so excited about it, our secondary diva as we do is the one the only Walter Mercado, y'all. I mean, I didn't really know who this diva was until the Netflix documentary came out about him. It's called moto moto mod. And it's beautiful he was so if you don't know quick elevator pitch about him. He was a psychic, gender non conforming probably gender non binary. A televangelist almost but it was for like doing horoscopes. And he was and the documentary is so lovely. He's such a beautiful person. He was Almost Liberace asked in his presentation for clothing but he's just brilliant and the documentary is very sweet he's a lovely man and he used to end every segment by doing a mucho mucho K and he would rub his his his chest and then you would kiss his lips more anyway, it's beautiful. I highly recommend you watch it please please, please watch it you will not be disappointed. So my my guest this week is smiling ear to ear thinking about them. Their name is Seth Hamilton, whose Alter Ego is Qd Garland, um, they're a singer songwriter, they're, I mean, absolute brilliant. They do weekly, or bi weekly Instagram Live shows called cutie vision. Where they do it's it's in their home and then there's there's streamers and they do covers of songs. They do original songs and Seth and I met maybe in October of this past year, or it's not October yet of 2019. And we've been very good friends ever since then. I've felt so welcome. They're a part of my queer coven that I have I talked about a lot. If you're friends with me personally, and I love them so much. This episode is so sweet. we dive into a newer diva than most of the other divas we've been doing this season. I'm so excited for you to hear what they have to say. So once again, this is Seth Hamilton, in conversation with Allen Darby talking about Britney Spears.

Unknown Speaker :

Hi, Seph.

Allen Darby :

Do you want to go back cutie garland and that's what do you prefer?

Seph Hamilton :

No we can. I mean, definitely we can give Cutie a shout out but you can address me as my sister name.

Allen Darby :

Yes. Yes. My Coven sister. Hi, how are you?

Seph Hamilton :

Oh, I'm I'm super super duper. How

Allen Darby :

are you super duper burger. I'm okay. As I was saying before we started recording. I have a bit of a sore throat and because I forgot my Claritin so well, but you know, I like Gloria Gaynor, I will survive. Yes, yes, I'm doing okay. I finally I texted last night I finally started Animal Crossing and it's

Seph Hamilton :

Yes. Oh my gosh. Yeah. What's your fruit?

Allen Darby :

My fruit is oranges. What's your fruit?

Seph Hamilton :

I have peaches. We'll have to trade. Okay, well, yeah. Well,

Allen Darby :

here's the thing. I still don't really understand the whole thing. It's because I'm like, Oh, it's real time. And I don't really like to like play video games during the day because my brain just thinks like, I need to do something. Yeah. So but it's the game happens in real time.

Seph Hamilton :

Right? Right. Like the stores closed at nine.

Allen Darby :

Well, yeah, I'm like, Am I just gonna be a nocturnal animal? Cross? That's what the game is right?

Seph Hamilton :

Yes, yes. I mean, yeah, I see what you're saying. It's like you can't if you're only playing at night you can't really go shopping. you're limited to resident services. You only get night bugs night fish.

Allen Darby :

See, I haven't even played yet. Well, I guess I guess the moral is that I need to play more video games. Look at that beautiful Sephora. Bad bad radio etiquette. But Steph just drank the most beautiful Lacroix. What flavor is that?

Seph Hamilton :

A steak. It's one of their new flavors past steak a steak. I think I'm saying that correctly. How do you spell that? out? I can't even show you because my zoom background is interfering. But it's it's a watermelon.

Allen Darby :

Sugar high. Oh my god. I will okay. Speaking Have your zoom background. Let's let's just let's just dive right in. Well, I'm ready. You're ready. But before we get started, you like you are a singer songwriter. You're a witch yourself. non binary Queen, would you say What? How would you introduce yourself?

Seph Hamilton :

I would say I'm a singer, songwriter, performer. Excited person.

Allen Darby :

Excited, excited person. Yes. I love that. Okay, so we'll get so the reason I can't see your past steak Lacroix again is because of your background. And it is of the diva of the week. So Seth Hamilton, who is your diva, and how are you worshiping her today?

Seph Hamilton :

Wow. My diva is Britney Spears.

Allen Darby :

Pause just

Seph Hamilton :

Britney I just be yes. Just a soft

Allen Darby :

From our podcasts,

Seph Hamilton :

and I'm worshiping her. I mean, I worship her daily. I guess I don't I don't have a specific way that I'm doing it today other than this is how I practice. Yes, yes, but just this I've been very excited to do this podcast and speak with you about, specifically Brittany, because something that I know that we have in common is our love for talking about divas. And that's like one of the first very first things we bonded over so I'm excited to to dive deeper in front of the world

Allen Darby :

dive deep in front of the world audience on the world stage. Well, exactly like that's, that's also there. There are many many, many roads lead to this podcast and like being friends with you was definitely one of them where we would just know so like, I would just be like, wait, you think that about that Midler? Like we all agree that that is incredible. Like stuff like that. Yes, we bonded over First Wives Club, but I watched it because you recommended

Seph Hamilton :

it was great.

Allen Darby :

I was literally thinking about the fight scene today. And I was like, I need to reenact that fight scene like by myself, like where they throw the Golden Globe at the fight. And then like, Guns and Roses anyway. So we're not talking about First Wives Club. We're here to talk about Britney Jean. Jean. So where did you Where did you meet Brittany? How are you introduced?

Seph Hamilton :

Okay, so my I believe my next door neighbor had the first album and Brittany are no it's not Britney. What am I saying? It's Baby One More Time dot dot dot bird on. Yeah. Yeah. So she had that album. So I had I had heard little bits of it. And I think she got it early in the year it was like a January release. And I didn't get it until December of that year, along with a Backstreet Boys album and it was the best Christmas and sounds like It

Allen Darby :

Yes he does.

Seph Hamilton :

Yes. And I was obsessed with the album she had the poster of her the iconic post where she's in kneeling with like a pinkish background

Allen Darby :

and each of them with a camera

Seph Hamilton :

yes Brittany and she's like her hair is the same color as her tan tan skin. And every not every album but like there was like multiple different color schemes that you could get so like you opened up the album and you could have like a blue background with a pink flower or like a yellow black background with a pink flower yellow flower like all these different pastel combinations

Allen Darby :

so explain that to me so like the so like it's the same like image of her with her legs

Seph Hamilton :

Kronos so this is for the this is for the the actual album itself, like the CD was a different color, depending on which one you got.

Allen Darby :

Yeah, and was it like a surprise every time you opened up the jewel case?

Seph Hamilton :

Yes. Yes, I got I got a pale custard yellow with like a bright pink flower.

Allen Darby :

That might be the title of the episode.

Seph Hamilton :

Just Say that again. Oh, pale custard yellow with a bright pink flower. I mean, that does yellow with a bright pink flower. That's my drag name. It embodies like Brittany 1.0 energy pretty thoroughly.

Allen Darby :

Yeah, what? Yeah, indeed.

Seph Hamilton :

Yes. Oh, and can I tell you one more thing about that? About this album, I loved it so much listen to it forever on repeat. And one morning I was getting ready for school. And my window was open. I was in you know, like fourth grade or something great. And my next door neighbor who influenced me to get the album was was playing britney spears and I was playing Britney Spears. And we both skipped two times at like almost the exact same moment so like just like a second or so off. And it was like this crazy surround sound thing where I was listening to Britney Spears with my neighbor. Like a crock like there's like, like a like a. What is the telephones like the tin cup telephones situation. It was like that with Britney Spears. It was like a very cosmic moment that I have never forgotten.

Allen Darby :

It's definitely Brittany magic. It's definitely like what you know you okay? slight slight humble brag on my part one time I sing the national anthem will not stop bragging about the national anthem the fact that at whatever the stadium is in San Francisco no apologies here. It was called pacbell. And so you know when you sing it like a big state and there's the echo that's like, oh yeah to later. So I'm imagining you having that experience in your home with Britney Spears.

Seph Hamilton :

That's totally what it was like it was like that. That stadium reverb situation,

Allen Darby :

literally in your bedroom.

Seph Hamilton :

Yes. And yeah, we were listening to sometimes

Allen Darby :

sometimes I run sometimes I cry sometimes. I'm scared of you that way. Yes. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, that's fabulous. I'm so okay. They're truly as I was doing research for this. There's so we have so much to talk about it truly. I'm

Seph Hamilton :

I'm ready and I'm not even ready. I know.

Allen Darby :

Well, first of all, like, I was looking at her discography I have my whole outline here, but what we need to talk about her discography she actually came out with three albums in three years. Wow. And that's okay. Well, and the movie we need to talk about crossroads. We cannot leave this interview without talking about that. Nowadays. You've seen it. Yes.

Seph Hamilton :

Well, listen. Oh, okay. I haven't seen crossroads.

Unknown Speaker :

Get out.

Seph Hamilton :

I know. Do we need to come back next week after I've seen it?

Allen Darby :

I truly don't

Seph Hamilton :

know. Brittany readers. It's totally

Allen Darby :

I will. I will do the Crossroads sex sector segment of this but

Seph Hamilton :

okay, when we get to it, I'll tell you about everything I know.

Allen Darby :

Well, okay, like the three albums are. The first one is Baby One More Time. The second where to go. Oh, I'm sorry listeners that oops I did again his third I believe. But she she did three albums in three years and I was just thinking about how Beyonce does an album every four years and Adele do an album every like five. Right bananas to think how like, at that time she was the peak. Like I was the queen of pop.

Seph Hamilton :

Right? She was she was the mold. Like she didn't even break the mold. She created it.

Allen Darby :

She created Oh, no, I'm sorry. It's Baby One More Time. Oops, edited again. And then Brittany and that was 99 2008 2001 that's three albums in three years.

Seph Hamilton :

Right? That is such a trilogy of albums. Wow. in deed, right. So good. Not a not a weak moment to be honest.

Allen Darby :

Not a weak moment. tbh Yeah, but my question my next question for you is so is what is your favorite South song album? What what what is the pinnacle Brittany for you.

Seph Hamilton :

Well The pinnacle Brittany. Well, I have to say my my overall favorite song is for sure sometimes it's like it's it's just talking speaking of trilogies, it's like this. I feel like the trilogy of singles from that first album are just so iconic and amazing a baby one more time. You have You drive me crazy and you have sometimes I don't know if that's the order that they're released. But I feel like sometimes sort of falls to the back as far as the fandom goes. And it's just incredible music video. It's incredible song. It's downtempo one of the few delic downtempo singles that you get from Brittany before she starts to go like really dancing and chaotic which we love as well. And also the music video, she has her iconic all white moment, she has her her mob of people wearing all white and they're dancing on a dock and the dancing is like a little bit more. A little bit more upbeat than this. The music like Yeah, like she's like, surprisingly breaking a sweat for this like mid tempo jam. It's like more of a more of a head nod. And she's like, I mean, it's kind of what he does. Yeah.

Allen Darby :

Right. And then yeah, that's and that's why we watch Britney is because she's such a charismatic performer. I think, you know, as you said that I pictured this gay comedian who I used to follow and then I stopped because he was too pretty and it was damaging my mental health. He was doing the I think I'm pretty sure I can imagine it's like the sometimes dance on a dock and wearing all white and he's got to come better showing anyway. But very handsome. He's happy. He's happy with the choices he made to get that back. Anyway. So it's sometimes so you know, about her hurt like you said the chaotic dancing of her stuff. Like, as I was going through her stuff, I was like, Yeah, like a lot of her songs are like, pop dance jams and like Hmm And what's more, as you said, she danced with her backup dancers and like did it very well. Right? You don't see that really anymore. You see like JLo keeping up with her dancers now and Beyonce, but like, you know love Ariana two pieces love Gaga pieces, but it's not quite

Seph Hamilton :

the same. You know what? I agree? I agree. I feel like like Brittany's dance being part of her whole package is I would liken it to when Sutton Foster wasn't anything goes and we all remember that that was a dancing role. Mm hmm. Sutton Foster period. Yes. I literally talked about Sutton Foster my life. No need to do an episode about her. I literally talked about her in my last episode on Julie Andrew. So that's so funny. Bring her up. I hope she gets brought up in in every conversation. She's. She's been on this podcast, but also in the world.

Allen Darby :

Yeah. You know, I do have a quick, quick anecdote. When I saw Matthew Bourne's Sleeping Beauty Sutton Foster sat in my row and You walked past me twice. She was like inches away from my body.

Seph Hamilton :

Oh my god her her a breeze rolled off her and onto you.

Allen Darby :

Yeah. And truly like the one of those beautiful women you've ever seen and like, it was really a thing where she walked by and was like, everyone looked at her and it wasn't even like trying. And she was so tall.

Seph Hamilton :

Yes, yes. I saw her at the stage short for Young Frankenstein. And, like,

Allen Darby :

come on. Stunning. Come on. Stunning. So okay, well back back to my outline. Yes, we're not here to talk about Sutton. We're here to talk about our southern our southern princess. What's Brittany's? Biggest diva moment? What's the most delicious thing that made you gag made your jaw drop me just go whoa. She's had Whoa.

Seph Hamilton :

Yeah, that's true. It's okay. So I feel like can I give a quick honorable mention and then the actual

Allen Darby :

winner. You may do as many honorable men As you will,

Seph Hamilton :

okay, honorable mention number one that I can think of. is the the, the flesh toned rhinestone suit at the VMAs with with the like thong straps at the top. Yes, yes, just because it was so like, I remember it being so controversial and like, and like even like my parents like looking over when it was on like should we be watching this and but I remember even thinking at the time like she was just doing a good job like she just like was she just like looked amazing and was doing amazing and and i don't know it was like, the whole the whole sexuality thing. It's in a way like I just don't want to put my foot in my mouth about why I say this but it's just like I feel like I want to save it for when we get to the segment about defender diva defending I want to say yes, I'm gonna spiral if I keep going.

Allen Darby :

Okay, so this is a safe spiral place. It's a staircase. Send. Oh my gosh, did we say on air that I've never been on a podcast before? I don't know if you did, but that literally I hadn't Oh no, I had been on one before. Before I started this one. So this is a safe space.

Seph Hamilton :

Okay. Beautiful. Beautiful. Okay, so back to the question. So honor

Allen Darby :

that's your honorable mention is this sparkly nude outfit?

Seph Hamilton :

Right? It caught everyone's attention. It was it was Brittany 2.0 the first time we've seen her I think Yeah, yeah, like really in front of everybody. But I think her most delicious moment is similarly but not the same. The rhinestone moment in the toxic music video. And overall, the toxic music video I would say is Pinnacle Brittany, most delicious.

Allen Darby :

So I didn't rewatch that one. Can you refresh our listeners memories of the toxic music video?

Seph Hamilton :

Absolutely. So Brittany plays the part of sort of a part time secret agent and here Oh,

Allen Darby :

and we're

Seph Hamilton :

and part time by day rather a flight attendant. So she's on right she's in like that's the other thing about this music video is iconic look after iconic look and you start with the flight attendant look and it's this like retro, futuristic sort of teal and

Allen Darby :

sort of

Seph Hamilton :

Yes, yes. Gorgeous. And then eventually you do get her green screen riding on the back of a motorcycle seal is on the front of the motorcycle. I don't know.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, if

Seph Hamilton :

you're a rapper, no, I don't think he rapped I think he was more of a crooner. But okay, I mean fact check me. So there was that and then there was the all the stark white background reflective ground. She's sort of like crawling around on the ground wearing. She's nude underneath this fully like sort of sheer fishnet suit. totally covered in diamonds. And I feel like and that was famously Brittany's idea. So, famously, yes. So I feel like that is her most delicious moment. And I want to say that the making the video for all of Brittany's videos was such a big part of my experience in in like building a relationship with Brittany's because she did. I think she did seven in total and toxic was the final one.

Allen Darby :

And there is kind of a mythology of her videos like yes, behind the scenes of it all the BTS.

Seph Hamilton :

Right? And I feel like toxic is so special is because it's like it's sort of the last we see of Brittany before she before she is thrust into just like a full time controversy. Yeah, yeah. And like she says in the video that like in the making of the video that she has the film in two days instead of three because she has to go to Jamie Lynn's like dancer. sytle like that's such a different Brittany in such a different spirit family than we've been we know. Right so I feel like it's just such a time capsule. That whole the whole video but particularly the the naked rhinestones moment.

Allen Darby :

We live in naked rhinestone before I also want to apologize to listeners I shouldn't have assumed seal was a rapper. That was not my, that was my bad totally.

Seph Hamilton :

You know, I don't know this seal has not wrapped I'm embarrassed to say that is also okay. We'll have to look into seal after the show or we'll just delete this and you know, I'll never work again.

Allen Darby :

Okay. So, I mean, I love that you said that because I as I was doing research about like the these divalicious moments of hers because like it's the music, it's the persona, it's the history. It's the mythology, it's the interviews, it's the it's like who she is, you know what I mean? That is the that that like that's what we love about her And as I was doing I like it, I kept coming back to this notion this this might lead into the next one it might not but like, she is kind of this childlike Empress, like about Neverending Story and even in the diane sawyer interview the famous one where she starts crying like as I was watching I was like, I don't agree with Diane at all and that's like Brittany like I'm on I am team Brittany, even though she says things about like, saving saving yourself for marriage and and some you know stuff about gay stuff where I'm a bit like, I don't know if I agree with that. But like in terms of like, you seem like you're being bullied right now. And I don't like

Unknown Speaker :


Allen Darby :

totally. And she is this kind of, like avatar for the transition to womanhood. You know what I mean? Because her her peak, like when she was like at her peak when she was the most famous, the most powerful, like probably one of the richest performers in the world, right when she was what like, 17 to 24 ish, right? And then yeah, and it's like, and they say in the interview, you know, like, we like we, like other people have anonymity and we can make those mistakes. She literally like every mistake she made was on the cover of the papers The next day, totally just had to learn in front of everybody. Exactly. And we don't give her that same. We the collective not us, because we do. But the the collective don't give her the same leeway of making mistakes. Right. So anyway, so speaking, speaking of making mistakes, maybe this does lead into my next moment of so this is the one we call diva. Don't call diva doubt. Where have you disagreed with Brittany with Miss hairs?

Seph Hamilton :

Yes. So I'd like to say that that rarely happens. And we're almost always fighting the same fight, I think. But of course, there are some moments that I feel iffy about. Just looking back. I feel like a lot of You know, a lot of careers, like for example, like I'm a slave for you just like not a good, like, Yeah, not a good phrase to build a song around. Yeah, I'm not that too. Yeah, not so good. Like, you know, back then I, I learned every dance song and like watch the music video over and over again and looking back. It's just a little disappointing that that was such, like such an egregious oversight. And you know, she's had, I think, her music video for criminal, which is a more recent, relatively recent song, there was some gun violence. And it was and it was particularly controversial because it was, it was in London, where there had just been riots and actual gun violence. And so it Yeah, and then she she went on to defend her decision and said that it was imagination. It was like fantasy and so she didn't totally get it then. So I would say there are definitely some instances like that in which I have disagreed with that. britany but but overall we're on upward trajectory. Yeah.

Allen Darby :

It is interesting because she is someone who especially now that she has there's like she she doesn't have power of attorney or she has there's something now since her Oh, the conservatorship conservatorship, that's the word I'm looking at. Yeah. Where it's like so many like, she really hasn't made that many decisions in her career as far as my research and what I know is shown. Oh, yeah, truly like when she's like, taking the brunt of a lot of this. It's like, also not for nothing like she writes. She wrote some but she didn't write a lot of her music. So it's and so to see like, she's really faced a lot of backlash that really could have gone towards the should have gotten towards the execs and the people behind her who were like saying, say this, do this, say that go there. And yeah, it's kind of just like I don't know. So

Seph Hamilton :

yeah, totally. And still to this day, she's still under conservatorship, like for the past 12 years like, Brittany can't vote. It's not weird. Not horrible. It is horrible.

Allen Darby :

And right. Her father is the conservator or whatever the term is.

Seph Hamilton :

Yeah. It was flip flopping for a minute. And I think that he is, I think he is back as her like, guardian and it's just all it's so it's so crazy. It's it's dumb.

Allen Darby :

38 at this point, or 36? Yes,

Seph Hamilton :

yes. Yeah. Well, she's 30 she's 38. And for a while she was under, I believe, I think his name is Sam lefty. Like more hardcore Britney, historians will know more about this. But he, he like sort of weaseled his way in, and like claimed to be a former manager of her so he could like be a part of this conservatorship and the team is making like every decision for her so it's, uh, it's pretty wild. It is wild and like

Allen Darby :

But there's part of me that goes like, poor thing and part of me is like, you know, she seems safe on Instagram. You know, she seems like she's not. Oh my gosh, we Okay, let's get into the Instagram because truly I looked at it. And she was doing yoga on the beach. And she's like, fast forward. Did you see this video? I think I've

Seph Hamilton :

seen all of them.

Allen Darby :

Yeah, well, as she's doing it, and she's doing like the backbends It looks and she's doing the upward dog. It is a bit more humpy than like, like yoga he would say but no shade to her because like get your life girl. But right, you know?

Seph Hamilton :

Yeah, I mean, these these videos if you have not seen them are definitely worth checking out. She She often is dancing on her own in her store like in Oh, yeah. And her foi a. And she keeps up with the tradition of dancing. Sort of like faster than maybe the music is close calls for more. Yeah rigorous news. Like she didn't start with us reading the other day, but it was like so many ponytail flips. It was amazing, but it was you know, it just like took some adjusting, adjusting to really get into the groove with

Allen Darby :

so many ponytail flips might also be the name of this episode. But I don't even know who Otis Redding is. But I

Seph Hamilton :

was sitting on the dock of the bay. Nope.

Allen Darby :

I'm like, Yeah, that one. Uh huh.

Seph Hamilton :

Sure. About San Francisco. So you should listen to

Allen Darby :

it. Oh, I should. I must. I feel bad now. Don't she, I mean, the, the I want to I want to say thank you to all the people at the LGBT community. Yeah. Literally, I'm sorry. Go on, go on.

Seph Hamilton :

Oh, I mean, I was I was just laughing and also I love that video. So much and how she says she thinks the queer community for giving her some of the best nights of her life.

Allen Darby :

It's voice goes kind of like, like, as you're watching, you're like,

Unknown Speaker :

does she get it? Is she in on the joke?

Allen Darby :

Or is rice? Or is this naivete the naivete of Britney that we love?

Seph Hamilton :

Right? And then she tells us her husband at the end of or excuse me, her boyfriend at the end of that video.

Allen Darby :

We had her husband. Okay, this this is remind This is what I was going to say. Um, first of all, have you ever seen her live?

Seph Hamilton :

No, I had tickets to go see her live. And then we were like, I think it was my aunt and my mom. They were like, We can go see Brittany or we can trade in these tickets to go to Disneyland. And then the vote went to Disneyland. And then the Disneyland trip got canceled. Oh, no. I know. Oh, that makes me so. I okay. Continue.

Allen Darby :

Well, okay. There was my friend had tickets to go see her my freshman year. And I was and she asked me to go and I was like, I had this. I was at USC was my freshman year and there was this gay If there was something like the LGBT Center was having like a get together for the gay students at USC or whoever wanted to be there and it was like a kind of like a summit sort of thing. And so I went and I really expected I was gonna be my husband at this event it was um, and Goddess bless all the people that were there but they it was just not my scene they were many of them were it was USC so they were very smart. Many of them were very wealthy. And a lot of them had either just come out or come out very recently and so they were very awkward and very uncomfortable in their own skin. And so I'm they're just like, gay as hell and just like wanted to talk to people in the theater student and then I don't know some engineer who just like can't find a sentence is sitting next to me and so it was just, and then my friend My friend walks by she sees us doing these like, fucking like getting to know you exercises outdoors. And she walks by and she goes, this is what you're missing missing Brittany for and I was like Yeah. Anyway, and oh my gosh, but anyway,

Seph Hamilton :

combos have such sad stories about missing Britney Spears.

Allen Darby :

Well here I have a second story. Oh my God, please. So, um, when I did I talked I talked about this with Julie Andrews episode also when I did Kiss me, Kate. It was in Thousand Oaks in LA or like 40 miles outside of LA. And Brittany lives if not, they're in Cali in Calabasas or somewhere or Malibu somewhere up there. And so the cast party, one of the women in the show, her father had a restaurant. And so we got the private room. It was really cool. And then all of a sudden, you know, I'm drinking, because I was it was a really rough time in my life. My mom was sick at the time. And so I was drinking a lot and we had just finished the show, which was great, but kind of a show. So at one point, this guy Orlando walks over to me because guess who's behind you? And I was like, Who? Because it's Britney Spears over there and I'm like, fucking lie to me. I was like, You're full of shit. And then literally He's like, no, Alan, that's Britney Spears. And she was like three tables away. Oh my god with her. It was 2013. So she was with her has been or her boyfriend and her kids. And so I don't really remember seeing her face because I was trying to keep it cool. But other people were doing the full like, stand over here. Take a picture with me. Let's get her in the background. But yeah, and then her security was there. And that's what I remember more because they were sitting like they were in plainclothes and they had the little wire like curly, cute earpiece. And they were sitting and they were playing clothes and they were just looking it was very creepy, very secret service. But yeah, I was in the same room as Britney Spears. Oh my

Seph Hamilton :

gosh, wow. Has your life since been any any has been changed or better

Allen Darby :

sailing. I haven't had a bad day since you know I never cry and my credit score went up to

Seph Hamilton :

that's exactly what I thought. You're gonna To say

Allen Darby :

so anyway that But enough about me enough about enough about me seeing Britain more this is this okay my next segment. Yes. Okay, we're at the point difficult is defend your diva so Seth Hamilton I have two moments I usually don't dive into this but I'm gonna have you die first. What is the moment where you've had to defend Brittany? Brittany Jean.

Seph Hamilton :

Okay, so this one is really hard because I feel like it. It's really hard to boil it down to any specific moment because I do feel like like as we've been talking as we've been saying, Britney Spears is such a She is such she's the mold. You know, like she who was Brittany before Brittany? I would argue nobody. Yeah. So I feel like I feel like she's just under. She's constantly needs to be defended because she's her own punch line at this point. It's like, yeah, like, Are you allowed to genuinely say that you enjoy Britney Spears or think that she has artistic vision in a room full of any type of person not really

Allen Darby :

to love her is to defend her.

Seph Hamilton :

Right? Yeah. Which I think is so true for a lot of a lot of divas. But, you know, I can I just remember growing up and hearing things like, like, no shade to my dad or anything, but I remember my dad one time was like, she should go to college. Like, once you're gonna study. I don't just like at the time I was like, Oh, yeah, like, I'm sure she should. She would benefit from some college but like, looking back, I'm like, No, that's like, like she. She's been famous since she was two minutes old. Like, what is she supposed to do? So I feel like I feel like I could Constantly defend Britney Spears. But there aren't like constantly people coming at me like you know, like causing me to do so. And there's this there's this idea that I that Jeff and I like to talk about Jeff, if you don't know, dear listeners is my lovely boyfriend. And we talk about the what I like to call the Pink Ranger effect if you're familiar at all with with the Power Rangers, there is yes, big sea. Okay, you illustrated it there. I feel like when you bring up the Power Rangers and people talk about their color, or like Lena like which Ranger you were like, Who did you like people always remember Kimberly's name, and the color or character that they choose is always defined based on their relationship to Kimberly. So it's like are you read love interest? Are you the like blue like friendzone Are you the yellow other girl you know? Like, so I feel like Brittany is the Pink Ranger and therefore always needs defending just for the sheer right for this for the sheer, like her existence alone.

Allen Darby :

She is a bit of the metric I think of her anything of Tommy from the movie The white one because he was so handsome. And then the guy who was in the he became the toad, because he was hot and then the blue one he was hot. They were all hot. What am I saying? anyway?

Seph Hamilton :

All right. Oh, Power Rangers were hot.

Allen Darby :

Yeah. Anyway, keep going. Keep going.

Seph Hamilton :

Where was I? So yes, I just feel like she is such the example the the pinnacle of the sort of female double bind, you know, like, the the too fat too thin. too. Too wholesome, too sexy. Yes, you know, so I feel like there is no real way to just to justify Love her without knowing that what comes with it is is other people not loving her for no reason.

Allen Darby :

You really said it because it's like yeah there she there was no way she could do it right she was always going to offend somebody. Right. And that's and you know, welcome to woman you know what I mean? Like,

Seph Hamilton :

right right?

Allen Darby :

And well into like queerness also anyway go on.

Seph Hamilton :

Oh yes the saga of Britney Spears is so very queer i don't know i was just kind of I was just being excited with you. I don't know what I was gonna say next. Well,

Allen Darby :

well it I keep for me It keeps coming back to this childlike Empress thing where and like exactly what you said that she she was either like she was the wholesome Southern belle, who was beautiful and talented and sweet. And as I was looking at interviews of people, like you, you won't find an Interview Well, there's some, like people hate on her. But like the people who actually knew her and work with her, everyone's like, she's the nicest person. She's so humble. She's professional. She's sweet. And it's really like, as I was watching these interviews, like the fans and the people that went viral like the British mom, who was like, how dare she not come out here, we've been sitting out here for hours, like to give us an interview, or like, give us an autograph. And it's like, she was truly like a teenager with a ninth graders education on this stage with 50,000 people, and she had to perform and be safe and be smart and like when it rained, when she got rained out a couple times, people like shat on her and it was like, Oh my god, she's doing literally her best and like, give her space give her time and she will Wow, you you know what I mean?

Seph Hamilton :

Right. Right. And the fact that she will tell you despite like being an engineered product by gross older men her entire life Oh, say it again.

Allen Darby :

Yeah. She's just

Seph Hamilton :

been she's been groomed to be a like a special Sexy product like if you think about, like, obviously I love her empowered sexuality and she's always had this this sort of sense of her own sexuality I would say like Who did you learn to do body roles in front of the mirror? As written as an as an eight year old? Yes Brittany or a Spice Girl or all the Spice Girls. But I feel like when you think about like Baby One More Time, she's a schoolgirl. And like, what would a creepy 40 year old record label person I just like want to see on their TV is this like a school girl injected with sexuality, like and the fact that she moves into other phases of her career in which you can own that and, and and more or less control it and to be be cognizant and aware of like the effects of what she's saying I think is incredible. And we never give it enough credit.

Allen Darby :

There's so many titles of this episode. We keep saying we never give Brittany credit at all. Just I just the train is leaving the station my thought train is leaving the station but like I get that it happens to me all the time in this podcast but oh my foot just popped I'm thinking about how well first of all it's I love that we go from my loneliness is killing me to my loneliness and killing me no more in lyric writer that's something you said in there sparked that and I'm sure it'll come back to me. I love that and speaking of like manufacturered demoness you think about like an Ariana how Ariana is kind to me she's a Brittany meets Mariah hybrid. And with her It's like she The reason she's able to be the sexy thing she is now I think is because of Brittany. Because as like, because as I was watching that diane sawyer interview that famous famous interview I was like, divas don't give interviews like that anymore. Like right like you don't like Like you like when's the last time Ariana was on fucking 60 minutes she's not, you know, like like Beyonce. When she does an interview she directs it produces it and writes it. Like they are so protective because they saw this poor girl get obliterated by this older rich white woman who was trying to diminish her for being a sexual being and for being a woman and for making mistakes publicly. It's like fuck you, Diane Sawyer. And it just that I like, I'm not even that big of a Brittany stamp. I'm like, I want to protect this girl. You know what I mean? She really has for innocence. The moment of innocence becoming broken to me, or like, like, like when she is eating the apple. You know what I mean?

Seph Hamilton :

Oh, absolutely. Yeah. Talk about title app. Yeah, like. Like, it's just, it's so it's so true. She's not a girl. Not yet a woman which is ah,

Allen Darby :

Sorry, did I just blow your ears? I'm sorry.

Seph Hamilton :

But it's like and that even that title in there, like it encompasses Brittany, but it also toes toes the line of like, Is this like, a gross fantasy of somebody? Like, yes, you know. And I feel like Brittany is also just going back to how like, Brittany is sort of like the, I keep calling her the mold. I wish I had a better word for it, but she's just like,

Allen Darby :

she's just she's actually, yeah,

Seph Hamilton :

she's the, you know, she's, she's the pinnacle. Like, she's the model of like, every pop star that came after her. And then what was I gonna say, now the train is leaving my station. And oh, what I was gonna say is that she like it's talking about like pop stars who don't write their own music or, you know, don't write all of their own music or whatever. It's just like, they're still getting on stage in front of a lot of people and saying something Right, right. You know? britany has manages quote circus really quickly. Oh,

Allen Darby :

sorry, somebody Oh, it's okay. Ah, dancer. No, I don't have no idea who that is. Thanks. Sorry. Sorry, audience for that. But keep going, keep going keep going.

Seph Hamilton :

I was just gonna say there's there's a particularly Brittany lyric from the song circus, which I really love an album. Love that album. Yes. And she says I'm gonna, I can only sing it. Well, I still will get it wrong. But she says in the beginning, she's like, there's only Oh, it's the second verse of circus. There's only two types of guys out there once you can hang with me and ones who are scared.

Allen Darby :


Seph Hamilton :

like, I just I feel like the person who gets on stage and says that is the person that I worship. And that's why we're here today. And that's,

Allen Darby :

you know, also from that album, I remember playing in being in my car and having a burned disk. Have that album and playing because I got it freshman year of college and playing if you seek a knee, yes and not getting it my dad listening to it in the car being like, What is she said? Wow, me being like, well, it's no no doubt you don't get it if you seek Amy like, you don't get it and he's like, no, I get it. No you don't get it.

Seph Hamilton :

You know, to your credit there is a complicating lyric in there that distracts from the fact that that is like, at least this is my theory like and it distracts from the fact that that is a double entendre because in the chorus she says ha ha hee hee ha ha Oh, that's literally a recurring lyric

Allen Darby :

and like I feel like it like that jumbled with the if you seek a me thing is like sort of a i think it's it's good to songwriting it's good Believe it or not, it's good songwriting and it's definitely like a like a like a double edged sword and it's also like a like a wrench. hair has many metaphors. And it's definitely like small turn. It's a double edged sword. It's a double edged red herring left turn. But okay, I you know, truly I could talk about her forever. I do want to say, I do want to say my two different please, please, please, please. Because like I've I've got one of them written down. Okay, so it's crossroads. Like, here's the thing. So, my friend Tim told me that Crossroads first of all written by Shonda Rhimes, people remember that is actually supposed to be an antagonist storyline, which I talked about a little bit in my Janet Jackson episode. So Yo, listen,

Seph Hamilton :

yeah, I did not know that.

Allen Darby :

It's an entity in taking the storyline that somehow through the Hollywood machine became what it is today. A lot of people shit on that movie. I have shot on that movie. And I take it all back because truly, it's brilliant. Because not only do we have Taryn Manning, Bananas, bananas, Taryn Manning, being a star being a pregnant teenager and Zoe Saldana, stop ahead. Start from First of all, I always tell Donna in the like she did that and she did center stage very close together. I don't know exactly how many years apart but very close together. So anyway, the scene I need to talk about you, everyone who's seen it. Well now it's the scene in the bathroom after she meets Kim control who's her mom. So anyway, okay, the plot of the movie is, is Taryn Manning wants to drive across the country with this hot supermodel basically, who's this guy who they think is a murderer across the country to give up her baby for adoption? As always, well Donna wants to go see her fiance and Brittany wants to sing in a singing competition. Anyway, and oh, no, no, she does want to sing that. No, Taryn was singing the singing competition. Don't worry about it. Watch the movie. It's great. But anyway, she Brittany wants to meet her mom. And so Brittany meets her mom and it's Kim control and you realize that Kim didn't want her. Also Dan Aykroyd is her dad. It's never forget

Seph Hamilton :


Allen Darby :

So anyway, she's in the bathroom. Let me take a breath. She's in the bathroom and it's been raining so she's wet. And she looks like a like a little broken creature and she's she gets there and they like everyone else had dropped her off to see her mom. It was beautiful Arizona like, like McMansion. So she meets so she meets her mom and it's, it goes horribly. Spoiler alert everyone. And then she sits down in the bathroom. And the hot guy who we find out wasn't actually a murderer sits down and sits with her and she's just sitting there and it's so vulnerable. She's so dejected and she starts crying.

Unknown Speaker :

Mm hmm.

Allen Darby :

I've literally getting emotional think about it is the most like she says, I was just to this day, and it's it's Oh my god. It's the most vulnerable most authentic. I'm can't believe I'm saying this but I can beautiful acting that she loves. I believe it and people shit on that movie and listen, watch that scene it will change your mother tongue in life.

Seph Hamilton :

I absolutely believe it. I feel like like a moment of truth from Brittany like, like we've had him before. What's the stage of that? She can't pull it out an acting mountain especially with Shonda Rhimes.

Allen Darby :

With Shonda Rhimes. I don't even remember what my second my second defend your deep. Oh listen, the Madonna kiss at all. Oh, yeah. Literally, she Madonna kissed Christina also, but everyone put shit on Brittany because that's the one that the cameras hit.

Seph Hamilton :

Right. I remember this. Forget Madonna.

Allen Darby :

So, anyway, I think that was my second thing. I can't Oh, there's one other one. As I was watching the diane sawyer interview when she was on SNL. Diane, she played a girl literally Diane Sawyer. I called her a girl from the hood. Look, she's funny, and I'm like, oh, that did not age. Well, and Oh, yes. Yeah. And Brittany is a good actress. Let's never forget.

Unknown Speaker :

I won't.

Allen Darby :

Yeah, back to the interview enough of me talking. More, more, more, more more. What So, I mean, we've been talking about it this whole time, but like, what is it about her? If you can pin it down? What is it about her that makes you want to protect her?

Seph Hamilton :

Well, I feel like that's, what am I? Why do I want to protect Britney Spears? I feel I feel like Brittany is like, not only was she the moment that made me want to be a part of like, culture. She also like, has sort of been braided into my life sense, in a way where it's kind of like, like obviously I've never I've never met Britney Spears or you Been in a room with her like you have, but I feel it's the relationship that I feel like I have with Britney Spears. And like her the work that she puts out is almost like, like a camp friend kind of, you know, or just like a cousin maybe like someone who like who you can get on the phone once every couple years and it's still like, all good. And you just sort of pick up where you left off. I feel that about Brittany and have felt like, that's been like my consistent feeling about her since the beginning really, because you know, like at the beginning, there's something weirdly relatable about her even though you're like nine and she's, I mean, she's not that much older than me, but like, you know, she's doing body rolls in her belly shirt, but something about it as you're like,

Allen Darby :

you know, like that's me. That's my big sis. Yeah, right. Exactly. It there is something that's a bit like I see a Thanksgiving like or like CD, stir

Seph Hamilton :

Yeah, and just The fact that she's still is the conservatorship is crazy. I'm such a Brit Brittany truth or and I hashtag free Brittany Holloway. Hashtag free Brittany and we didn't even talk about the shaved head moment. Goodness.

Allen Darby :

Wow, that was that was crazy. I don't like that word. But that was bananas like, bananas. I like I again, I'm team Brittany on this. But like,

Seph Hamilton :

what what the paparazzi did to her is unforgivable. I know. And I would just like to make sure that we don't do this show without mentioning to anyone who doesn't know that she is diagnosed bipolar. And that Mm hmm. And it's like, I feel like the conservatorship is really in an issue of I mean, obviously, it's an issue of abuse, but it's like, it's almost this like, I feel like it's an issue of like even disability in a way. It's Um, so I feel like in every way Brittany needs to be protected and then immediately left alone forever.

Allen Darby :

Right. And yeah, and it is it is a mental health thing. It is a disability thing. And it's like And I think because we see her as this beautiful, rich white woman, a lot of people don't want to give her that benefit. And it's like, no, like, this is something that we need to talk about, like, just because someone is beautiful and rich, doesn't mean they still don't go through things. You know, they that privilege, it gives them a lot of power and a lot of things come easier to them. But like we shouldn't diminish what she's going through to a meme or to. to I don't know, like a joke, you know?

Seph Hamilton :

Yeah, yeah. Don't make fun of Brittany. Yeah,

Allen Darby :

yeah, Leave Britney alone leave forever.

Seph Hamilton :

That video was a little off the rails at points but also right on at some points as well

Allen Darby :

as also literally have you seen him now? Because he looks so good. Oh, Chris Crocker, Chris Crocker. Yeah, I've seen some of his his blue work and it's quite nice. Just put that on it anyway. I'm a sex positive person. Anyway. Yeah. So, okay, we're getting to the last two questions. This truly like, I thought I could talk about Britney forever, especially with you stuff. Same thing. What's her next act? What do you what do you want? What do you need from her next? Or if you could put her in a movie or what's next for her?

Seph Hamilton :

Oh my gosh. Okay, so I feel like what's next, what I'd love to see next from Brittany is sort of so there's these two little like mini areas of Brittany that sort of exist on a scale of of like, not existing to just being little known. Like she had. She had a song a single called someday in 2009, about becoming a mother and it was like shot in black and white. It was downtempo. Again, pulled back from the chaos with what she's wearing. She's wearing a silk 90, she's pregnant. And it's like a song about becoming a mother and then she also had an awful album. Her team would not let her release called original doll. Again, a black, a black and white cover barely very Marilyn Monroe cover. And it's all it's sort of documenting the abuse that her father had inflicted upon her. So another attempt at being very serious and mature and real, and they were both sort of stamped out. And I feel like that is what I really want to see from Brittany next. Like I know she can do anything. And now I just want to see, I want to see what they wouldn't let her do. You know, I want to see that that black and white, like, I want to see her crying at the vanity. I want to see her

Allen Darby :

smearing makeup

Seph Hamilton :

smearing makeup I want to see her loving her kids. I want to see her drop some wisdom and I want a few more runs.

Allen Darby :

Yeah, yeah. Yeah. runs like a bit. Yeah.

Seph Hamilton :

Yeah. Yeah, but not as good as that one.

Allen Darby :

I mean, I have vocal training. So um, you know, anyway. Yeah. Oh, I know.

Seph Hamilton :

Yeah, I feel like she used to be more of a she had more like vocal prowess in whatever way shape or form Britney Spears can embody vocal prowess. And now not so much like, it's definitely more about the before to the floor. Say that again. The floor to the floor, like, like, just dance music, like the continuous like, quarter note what

Allen Darby :

I was like, I was like, that's what my mom used to say when I would like lean back in my chair. For on the floor. Yeah, I mean, yeah, part of me wants to see there is something I talk about this with a lot of the Divas where I want to see quote, unquote, the real diva, or I want to see the real insert diva. And with part of me feels that with Britney and part of me is also like, I feel like I've seen it and I'm fine with where she's at. And you know, and also like, I don't she doesn't owe me that. But I put this this notion of an album of like what she's gone through I'm like that I would love to see I would love to, to hear and experience that like, the notion of like, her expressing herself in a way I hadn't seen before.

Seph Hamilton :

Right point pointedly saying something new. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Allen Darby :

Okay, my now I'm not not my last two questions. Okay. What do you think she's doing right now?

Seph Hamilton :

Right. The second, right, the second. Okay. right this second I think Brittany is she's in her boy. She's famous for a season. Yes, she's in her play. She's wearing a a crop top hasn't hurt because she has a lot of those and she's also wearing her her short shorts with her thumbs hooked in the waistband. And I feel like I want to really get a full picture. I feel like she so she had just gone into her kitchen and she's boiling some water and she's like, I'm just going to make a quick Instagram video while this water boils. And so she is and she's twirling and she's like dancing, notice reading and she's doing so many ponytail flips. And she starts to break a sweat. And she's like, that's good. And so then she gets on there. And she, she does a quick edit, and she posts it. And then she's like, I forgot about the water. And then so she, she goes back into the kitchen, and then she, she's like, how the water blend, all the water burned off. And the pan is like, maybe a little seared on the bottom. So she's like, you know, I'm just gonna forget about whatever I was going to do with that water. Because like, for anyway, and because it turns out the dancing took like two hours. And then so she she turns off the water and then I think she goes and she sends an email to her mom.

Allen Darby :

I think what's the email?

Seph Hamilton :

I don't know. But there's something special about her relationship with her mom. So I feel like and everyone's been doing emails, as as we know. There's a famous Britney quote. Everyone's been doing In emails, so

Allen Darby :

I feel like she goes and emails her mom. What's that from? What did she say? That

Seph Hamilton :

is an interview about her album. That had emailed my heart on it. And they asked for, like, what the song was about. And she's like, you know, everyone's just been doing emails, which is now a mean that people change to say other things like everyone's been doing crimes, things like that.

Allen Darby :

I love that. I love truth. Thank you for that stunningly detailed portrayal of what Brittany is doing right now. And literally, as you said that the water boiled way I imagine her being like, Oh, well, I need a new copper pot, and she throws it away and it like kind of like breaks into 1000 pieces and comes in and cleans it up and she gets a new one. And she's like, Oh, I thought oh, like don't don't those just like come every day. Yeah. love in my heart for her because obviously nothing but love Britney nothing but love for Brittany. I'm just I really just want to live in that. Boy cuz it my house could probably fit in it. My last question for you, Sam Hamilton, if you could say one thing to Brittany, ah say say to her right now what would you say?

Seph Hamilton :

Oh my gosh, I did not know this question was coming in. If I could say one thing to Brittany right now. I would probably, I mean, it's likely that I would just start singing or maybe I would forget how to sing and just start singing lyrics at her. So maybe I would I would say sometimes I run sometimes I hide. Sometimes I'm scared of you. But all I really want is to hold you tight. treat you right up with you day and night. Maybe all I need is time.

Allen Darby :

You are you have a way with words.

Unknown Speaker :

Brittany does Brittany does.

Allen Darby :

I have I have nothing else to Cuz I was just brilliant I love that

Seph Hamilton :

I was a bit of a cop out but I think it's the truth I don't know if I'd if I'd be able to speak around Brittany you would

Allen Darby :

Yeah, I'm picturing like, I'm just picturing you like if you've been in that restaurant with me like what you would have done and I think you might think you might have done that Yeah. Anyway this What a great interview thank you so much for having

Seph Hamilton :

me This is such a fun first podcast

Allen Darby :

well thank you I'm so I'm so happy to be your first but this and like surely when I was saying this I was like when when I was being guests I was like well I need to have Stefan like there's there's there's so many where can people find you if you want to be found?

Seph Hamilton :

Oh sure. I'm on all social media platforms. Basically. My My name is cutie garland. I perform under that name. So just see you TGL MD and yeah, mostly Instagram. But the Yeah,

Allen Darby :

also seft as one of the Instagram lives every two weeks everyone and they're they're called Qt vision and they're some of the most beautiful, delightful soft beat well the the singing is incredible and it's just like a lovely time and it just literally feels like I'm drinking tea with my friend whenever I watch and like you're just entertaining the fuck out of me. It's great. Thank you and I do occasionally cover Brittany on on this show. So yes, and it is incredible. Thank you so much for coming on. Say bye to everyone.

Unknown Speaker :

Bye, everybody. Bye.

Allen Darby :

What a great episode. Thank you so much Seth Hamilton for coming on you star you gem you You witch sister after my own hot Ah, I love you so much. Tune in next week when I talked to my friend Reba Burr, actress, voiceover star about Julie Andrews. I know there might have been confusion because I said last week on this app about Julie Andrews in this past episode, but that's going to be next week. Trust me, you don't want to miss it. She has so many insights. She is so funny. It's gonna be great. Also, remember, Black Lives Matter. Trans Lives Matter. ableism is bullshit. Drink water. Keep fighting. I see you all. I hear you all. I believe in all of us. We're doing great. I'll see you soon. Bye.

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